Every single day, there's someone out there who wakes up and needs your service. We need to land in their inbox at the right time with the right message to convert them.
We understand firsthand the challenges of managing email overload. If your business isn't making an impact, your emails may be overlooked, deleted, or marked as spam.
Partnering with us for cold email B2B lead generation will result in better open rates, more booked sales meetings, and more profitable deals for your company.
With Funnel Forge, you get:
✔️ Full service cold email management
✔️ Scalable and profitable sales meetings booked
✔️Warmup protocols, technical management, campaign optimization
✔️Advanced analytics and amazing copywriting
Our Process
✔️ We'll handle ALL the technical aspects of your cold email campaign. We'll purchase your domains, handle the DNS, get you setup with unlimited inboxes, and build a warmup protocol so you end up in the primary inboxes of your prospects - not in spam.
✔️ Next, we'll build a list of your most ideal prospects. We'll sort them by industry, job title, revenue size, employee count, and whatever aspects we need to ensure we send cold emails that generate leads that are qualified. We'll triple verify the leads so that nothing goes to waste.
✔️ Then, we'll write the copy for a sequence of emails that will get sent to this list daily. The ultimate goal is to book qualified sales meetings and get hot prospects for your B2B company. We'll analyze and optimize campaigns daily.
✔️Ultimately, we scale up over time. We'll create more domains, more inboxes, and build a robust list to get you consistent results.
If you’re ready to step up your game and start talking to more potential customers and expand your revenue. Schedule a quick consultation with us. We’ll break down our process and determine together if this is a right fit.
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We’re a digital marketing agency on a mission to help you build, grow, and scale your small business.